is a Japanese picture book series written by Takashi Yanase, running from 1973 until 2013 following his death. The anime adaptation is one of the most popular anime series amongst young children in Japan. The show has been on the air in Japan continuously since October 1988. On October 4, 1996 (Episode 398) the show changed its time slot from Monday to Friday. On November 10, 2000 (Episode 588) the show was made with digital editing. On August 28, 2009 the show had aired 1000 episodes. Since April 2, 2010 (Episode 1029) the show started airing in High Definition. In 2011, the titular Anpanman is the most popular fictional character among people age 0 to 12 years in Japan in 10 consecutive years, according to 2channel the show was originally going to premiere in 1987 and it was originally going to end with 24 episodes, according to research by Bandai.〔(Bandai Kodomo Enquête Report Vol.190 ), June 2011〕 Heavily merchandised, the ''Anpanman'' characters appear on virtually every imaginable children's product, from clothes to video games to toys to snack foods. The ''Anpanman'' books have collectively sold over 50 million copies in Japan. Many times during the Second World War, Yanase became faced with the prospect of starvation, which made him dream about eating ''anpan'' (a bean-jam filled pastry). This inspired the creation of the Anpanman character. Kōichi Yamadera and Mika Kanai, the voice actors for Cheese and Melonpanna respectively, were a married couple until they divorced in 2006. This is also translated in a way to the cartoon as Cheese spends most of his time in Melonpanna's company in the episodes she's in. Yamadera also does voices for recurring characters in the show, such as Kamameshidon. The series spawned a short lived spin-off show featuring one of the more popular recurring characters on the show, Omusubiman. ==Characters== In each episode, Anpanman fights with Baikinman and helps the people of the town. He always goes on patrol in the area around the house of Uncle Jam. He is a symbol of justice, fighting for the cause of justice every day. ''Anpanman'' has a long history and new characters are frequently introduced, keeping the series fresh. In 2009, ''Anpanman'' was verified as a Guinness World Record Holder for the highest number of characters in an animated franchise with a total of 1,768 characters appearing in the first 980 episodes of the TV series and the first 20 Anpanman films. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Anpanman」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク